S&D Times – Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up

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Quote of the week by S&D Group vice-president Pedro Marques:

“The reunification of our European family has been a testament to the power of unity and shared values – fostering economic growth, strengthening democratic institutions and promoting human rights and the rule of law. As we reflect on this achievement, we recognise that the EU's mission of integration and unity is far from complete. 

The S&D Group strongly supports the ongoing accession talks with Western Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia – and advocates for the inclusion of nations like Ukraine, Moldova, Kosovo and Georgia. As for Turkey, the doors remain open but – unless we see drastic changes by the Turkish authorities – under the current circumstances Turkey’s EU accession process cannot resume. Europe will not be fully complete until all Europeans that share our democratic values are welcomed into our community.”

Upcoming events

This Saturday, our team will be in the European Parliament in Brussels, celebrating Europe Days (formerly Open Days). Join us at our S&D stand! We’ve got music, quizzes and games – and our team is ready to answer all your questions about the European Union.
Take your family and spend the day with us. Children are always welcome in our designated fun space.

It’s a wrap!

Have you always wanted to know more about our achievements over the past five years, but don’t have the time to read through our site? No problem. We’ve got some of them here, in a nutshell!

What we’ve done for the Nature Restoration Law

Our achievements on minimum wages

We demanded a ban on unpaid internships

We want pay transparency!

Polluters will pay  CBAM (the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism)

Universal charger  one charger to rule them all!

Your S&D newsletter will take a break now. Our weekly insights into our Group’s structure and work will resume after the European elections.

And as always don’t forget to stay updated on all our initiatives and reactions on FacebookX, Instagram, Telegram, SpotifyApple Podcasts and TikTok

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