The Socialists and Democrats welcome a renewed commitment to a social Europe that is about to be announced today in La Hulpe. At the initiative of Belgian ministers Frank Vandenbroucke and Pierre-Yves Dermagne, a new inter-institutional declaration on the future of the European social model has been drawn up, all set to be endorsed by the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Belgian Presidency, the European Trade Union Confederation, SME United, and SGI Europe.
The S&Ds are proud and happy with the declaration anchored in progressive values and giving all due attention to key progressive priorities, in particular to:
- the need to channel public money only into projects respecting social and labour rights,
- the strengthening of the European Labour Authority to guarantee genuine protection of all workers in the European Union, third-country nationals included,
- ensuring humane and fair artificial intelligence at work,
- as well as securing socially just green and digital transitions.
Agnes Jongerius, S&D spokesperson on employment and social rights, said:
“Europeans are getting an important message today from La Hulpe – a fresh pledge and impetus to a social Europe. With the La Hulpe Declaration, we again commit to protect the European social model and we recalibrate our policies to the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
“With this goal in mind, it is extremely important to ensure that public money is spent in a socially just way - by respecting workers’ rights, including through the promotion of collective bargaining in public procurement.
“The protection of workers’ rights also needs to be at the centre of our attention when exploring the opportunities brought about by new technologies. We must ensure fair working conditions in the digital era, including the right to disconnect, and the human-in-control principle for artificial intelligence at work.”
Gabriele Bischoff, S&D vice-president responsible for EU mobility issues, added:
“Fostering fair and effective labour mobility across the EU is another priority for our political family. About 13.5 million EU citizens live or work in another member state, which is twice as many as a decade ago, and mobility within the EU continues to grow. To ensure genuine protection of all workers in the European Union, third-country nationals included, we need to strengthen and broaden the mandate of the European Labour Authority.
“With the La Hulpe Declaration, we highlight again the uniqueness of Europe’s social market economy that successfully combines the pursuit of a highly competitive economy and a strong social shield. For this model to thrive we must ensure that green and digital transitions, vital for the prosperity of our continent, do not leave workers behind. They must have an active role in managing and shaping the twin transition. Workers’ rights to information and consultation, and democracy at work are essential in this context.”