S&Ds call for a European Child Guarantee to fight poverty

Today in Europe, 21% of children are at risk of poverty. At least 20 million children are suffering daily from the lack of income and basic services. Many of them do not have a warm meal every day.
The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament are calling for the introduction of a European Child Guarantee, financed by the EU budget, to lift children out of poverty.
The proposal will be put to a crucial vote next week in Strasbourg in the European Parliament. The project was discussed today with representatives of civil society, the Luxembourg social affairs minister Nicolas Schmit and his counterpart from the Netherlands Jetta Klijnsma, during a conference hosted by the Socialists and Democrats Group.
S&D Group spokesperson on employment and social affairs, Jutta Steinruck, said:
"Poverty always means exclusion, especially for children. Fighting the root causes of child poverty is a top priority for our group and we have been calling for the implementation of a Child Guarantee for more than two years now. Free health care, free education and childcare, decent housing and adequate nutrition are basic conditions for every child to lead a safe, self-determined life in dignity."

S&D Group spokesperson for this issue, Villja Blinkevičiūtė added:
"We want to offer a future to millions of children and families across Europe by breaking the vicious circle of poverty at the youngest age possible.
"We hope to get a strong majority next week in Strasbourg on our proposal for a Child Guarantee. We want the European  Commission to act as soon as possible so that every child at risk of poverty can have access to free healthcare, free education, free childcare, decent housing and adequate nutrition.
"Investing in children and their well-being is not only a moral obligation but also a social and an economic priority. The Child Guarantee must be seen as a long term tool to offer equal opportunities for a whole generation, as well as support for parents to escape situations of social exclusion and to integrate into the labour market."

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