The S&D Group reiterated today in the mini-plenary session in Brussels its call on the European Council to suspend the accession negotiations between the EU and Turkey as soon as the 18 constitutional amendments are implemented. The Socialists and Democrats also requested that an independent investigation on electoral irregularities be carried out in Turkey for allowing non-stamped ballots to be accepted as valid.
The Euro MPs discussed the future of EU-Turkey relations with EU enlargement commissioner Johannes Hahn in light of the constitutional referendum that took place in Turkey on 16 April. The outcome of the referendum marked an authoritarian drift giving incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sweeping powers in breach of separation of powers.
S&D MEP Kati Piri, the European Parliament’s rapporteur on Turkey, stated:
"During the last years, we have seen Turkey drifting further away from democratic values. With the introduction of the new constitutional changes, it will make no sense to continue the accession talks with the current Turkish government.
"A country with such a constitution cannot become member of the EU. I, therefore, call on the EU leaders to officially suspend the accession talks if the new constitution and all amendments are implemented unchanged.
"Turkey is an important neighbouring country which we cannot ignore. Cooperation will therefore continue to be essential in areas such as trade, counter-terrorism, migration, and our concerted efforts in ending the war in Syria. However, that cannot be a value-free relationship where human rights and democracy are no longer important. To achieve this, we can use the economic power of the EU as leverage."
S&D vice-president Victor Boştinaru MEP said:
"This referendum and the latest developments in the Turkish politics are derailing all the many important steps that the country has taken in its modernisation and democratisation process.
"Personally, I am very much concerned with the path that Turkey is taking as the outcome of the referendum can only deepen the division of the Turkish society. Nonetheless, the way forward is in the hands of the Turkish people whom we Socialists and Democrats will always support.
"The months of campaign before this vote cannot be considered as fair or free and the opposition and international observers on the ground have pointed out irregularities in the vote itself that have to be investigated.
"The European Union also made errors towards its Turkish partner - it is essential to acknowledge it.
Whatever form of partnership and relations the EU and Turkey choose to have from now on, the strategic need for both sides to continue to work together on many levels has to be taken into consideration. We must continue a mutually beneficial and constructive dialogue."
S&D vice-president Elena Valenciano MEP added:
"This constitutional reform Erdoğan is driving Turkey far from the European Union. Now, it is very difficult to advocate for the accession of Turkey as the common values - rule of law, independence of the judiciary, the differentiation between the executive and legislative powers - have been seriously damaged.
"Notwithstanding, the EU cannot give up promoting democracy in Turkey as it cannot give up promoting democracy everywhere else in our neighbourhood. We need to reflect on how we can support half of the Turkish people who despite the difficult political context did not accept the reform, thereby confirming their commitment to democracy and to the European values."