Today the European Parliament and member states will start negotiating a new country-neutral method to calculate dumping that will be able to capture market distortion linked to state intervention in third countries. The new rules aim at fighting unfair trade practices that lead to prices for products exported to the EU not reflecting market realities. The Socialists and Democrats call on member states to step up their ambition to protect European industries and jobs from unfair practices.
S&D negotiator on a new anti-dumping methodology, Emmanuel Maurel MEP, said:
“Our goal for the negotiations is to turn the new anti-dumping methodology into a sharp weapon against unfair trade practices by third countries. If member states were to get their way, the new instrument would risk being a blunt tool. The Socialists and Democrats want member states to step up their ambition and substantially improve the Commission’s proposal.
“We want to make sure that no extra burden is imposed on EU industries. If they want the EU to treat them like any other industry, exporting producers from countries where there are massive market distortions, as is the case in China for instance, first need to prove that they are not engaging in dumping practices. We want a clear and precise list of what qualifies as a significant market distortion and that also captures the situations of social, environmental and tax dumping. Country reports should be published as soon as possible and updated on a regular basis to give EU producers all the information they need.”
S&D spokesperson on trade Alessia Mosca MEP, added:
“With the new anti-dumping rules we want to strengthen the EU’s trade defense instruments and ensure that products imported into the EU are sold at fair prices. State intervention can lead to exporters dumping their products on the EU market, hurting European industries and resulting in factories shutting down and jobs being lost. Strong anti-dumping rules will help protect hundreds of thousands of European jobs, especially in the steel industry.”
Note for editors:
On 9 November 2016 the European Commission presented its proposal to reform the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy calculation system in view of the deadline set by China’s access protocol to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) for the recognition of market economy status. The new methodology for calculating dumping is based on rules established by the WTO anti-dumping agreement. As the Commission’s proposal is subject to the ordinary legislative procedure, the Council and the European Parliament need to reach agreement on a final text. The new anti-dumping methodology runs in parallel with a broader revision of the EU's trade defence instruments.
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