The current system for granting authorisation for producers or importers to put genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically modified food and feed on the market must be revised, according to S&D members of the European Parliament. This was also a promise from Commission President Juncker when he took office.
However the Commission proposal that was put to the vote today was unclear and did not solve the problems related to the use of GM food and feed. This is why the S&D Group today rejected the Commission proposal.
Matthias Groote MEP, S&D spokesperson on the environment, food safety and public health, stated:
"The Commission should come up with a new proposal that ensures the effective functioning of the EU internal market. At the same time it should guarantee that member states can effectively restrict or prohibit the use of genetically modified food and feed on their territory if they so wish.
"According to a Eurobarometer survey on food technology, 58% of Europeans think that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not safe for future generations. These concerns were taken into account today as our main priority in this matter is the health and safety of European citizens."
Guillaume Balas, S&D MEP in charge of the dossier, said:
"It was clearly a bad proposal, rejected both by the Parliament and also by member states.
"There are still no impact assessments on the compatibility of member state opt-out measures with internal market and WTO (World Trade Organisation) rules. The current system to grant authorisations does not take into account people's concerns and should be revised.
"There is a serious problem with the notion of 'use', which is a very imprecise term. This is not in line with Mr Jean-Claude Juncker's speech when he promised to change the rules for authorising GMOs."