"The EU cannot remain silent and watch as tragedies unfold on the high seas. 300 people have died in the Mediterranean in the past week alone" said Gianni Pittella, president of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, reacting to yesterday's call for action issued by UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming.
"It's high time for the EU to take action and share responsibility. Asylum seekers must not have to risk their lives at sea in order to exercise a fundamental right. We need to defend the right to seek asylum and protect people in need" Pittella added.
"We call on the Commission and Council to urgently assess ways in which – based on existing EU legislation and tools – asylum and protection requests can undergo the first stage of processing in countries neighbouring the areas of crisis – while fully respecting fundamental rights in order to ensure a safe gateway for those eligible to enter the EU.
"Member states should also ensure full access to asylum procedures on EU soil and dignified reception conditions.
"Now is the time for the EU and its member states to show that EU is a community of values based on shared responsibility."