S&Ds on DSA/DMA: We are astonished to hear others might put at risk these files that are crucial to our citizens

digital markets digital services act

The S&D Group in the European Parliament is astonished by the latest declarations coming from the leading EP negotiator of the file on Digital Markets Act (DMA), Mr. Schwab (EPP Group). In an interview published today (6 October) Mr. Schwab is quoted saying he is ready to organise the EPP Group to vote against the Digital Services Act (DSA) in case the Socialists and Democrats do not vote in favour of his proposals for the Digital Markets Act ("If the Socialists don't vote in favour of the DMA in plenary, we won't vote in favour of the DSA" (Contexte.com))

Christel Schaldemose, Danish MEP, leading negotiator of the European Parliament on the Digital Services Act and S&D spokesperson in the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, said:

“Our group is very surprised by the declarations made by my colleague from the EPP, Mr. Andreas Schwab. The S&Ds and the EPP have proven in the past that we are able to make compromises and ensure good results for both citizens and businesses. Representing the two biggest political groups in the European Parliament I think this is our responsibility, and I am sure Mr. Schwab would agree.

“In our work with the DSA and DMA the S&D Group has put forward progressive proposals for regulating digital markets and services which are an indispensable part of our daily life. During a negotiation as important as this, all parties need to move towards each other in order to foster a solid compromise. We are committed to creating a good end result with a broad support among political groups. This will give the European Parliament a strong starting point when entering into negotiations with the Council and the European Commission”.

Evelyne Gebhardt, German MEP and S&D negotiator on the Digital Markets Act, said:

“The European Commission did well to make this so much needed legislative proposal. We, the Socialists and Democrats, are ready to follow the calendar set for both the Digital Services Act and the Digital Market Act. We have not lost hope that the European Parliament might vote both files in plenary in mid-December this year. But in order to submit to vote texts with good quality and not just any text, we call on the EP negotiator on the issue of Digital Market Act Mr. Schwab and his group - the EPP - not to miss the historic opportunity and put an effort into trying to find a high quality compromise.

“I was puzzled to read this morning the declarations made by Mr. Schwab, if he is indeed quoted correctly. The very essence of our work as members of the European Parliament is to negotiate among our political groups and try to reach the best result for our voters. I have not given up on this, and I hope neither has my colleague and leading EP negotiator on the issue of Digital Markets Act, Mr. Andreas Schwab. I am ready for a good compromise, not just any compromise.”

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