S&Ds expected more ambitious climate and energy goals and will push for more

Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament regret that the compromise reached by heads of government yesterday set quite conservative targets on the reduction of CO2 emissions, renewable energy and improvement of energy efficiency. They also regret that the energy efficiency target is just indicative rather than binding.

S&D president Gianni Pittella said:

"We expected more but given the tensions before the Council and the risk of not reaching a deal, the S&D Group welcomes the common position on attending the key UN climate summit in Paris next year and there is still time to agree on more ambitious targets along the way. The Council's compromise is a starting point. Let's do more."

S&D vice-president Kathleen Van Brempt said:

"The deal watered down an already conservative stance taken by the European Parliament in March. We, S&Ds,  wanted a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions as compared to 1990 levels, (it is feasible as we have already reached 18% of the 20% foreseen by the 2020 agenda), 45% renewables and 40% energy efficiency.

"We had already accepted a compromise with other political groups for a 40% reduction, 30% renewables and 30% energy-efficiency - all as binding targets! Even this parliamentary compromise has been diluted by the Council.

"We welcome the fact that these targets are the minimum levels required and that they can be modified after the UN Paris climate summit. So we will work in the Parliament for more ambitious goals and we expect the Juncker Commission to prove by action that sustainability is, in fact, a priority."

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