The European Socialists and Democrats welcome today's adoption of the resolution on the 2015 progress report on Serbia and call for the acceleration of the accession negotiations process with Belgrade.
S&D vice-president and European Parliament rapporteur on Serbia, Tanja Fajon MEP said:
"We fully support Serbia's European integration process and we note with satisfaction that Serbia has embarked on an ambitious reform agenda. Reforms are key for Serbian society; for strengthening the rule of law, fighting corruption and providing better conditions for the everyday life of Serbian citizens. This is also why we urge the European Commission to accelerate the accession process with Belgrade taking the necessary steps for the opening, in the coming weeks, of two crucial chapters: 23 (judiciary and fundamental rights) and 24 (justice, freedom and security).
"Serbia should not lose sight on the importance of these reforms during the early election campaign.
"Recent Journalist protests in Belgrade have shown once again that the media situation in Serbia is worrying. We believe that this situation needs to be improved and that the state of media needs to be tackled immediately as no one wants Serbia with self-censored journalists working in precarious conditions.
"We are convinced that for Serbia the European integration process is the best way to improve the country's economic situation and to build political stability in the region. The country is an important player in the region.
"The S&D Group underlines the importance of providing favourable conditions for Serbian youth, to stop brain drain and enforce brain circulation throughout the region. It is young Serbians who are building Serbia's future and if their dreams and hopes are killed, Serbia risks losing its future."
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