The president of the S&D Group in the European Parliament Gianni Pittella met with the Greek Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Katrougalos, with whom he discussed in detail the current situation in Greece.
Following this meeting, Gianni Pittella said:
“We recognize Greece’s enormous efforts and sacrifices in the last years. We underline the need to conclude in the coming days the second program review in respect of the European standards and acquis.
“Greece’s creditors and EU Institutions must accept an agreement that will help the country and gives stability and perspectives.
“We are convinced that the deadlock between Greece and its creditors is also counterproductive for the European Union.”
“The requests put forward by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for additional measures that the Greek government should take in advance of the 2019 budget are unacceptable and could negatively impact Greece's political stability and damage its economic prospects.”
Gianni Pittella also stressed the fundamental importance of implementing radical reforms in the field of public administration and justice as prior conditions for a new productive development model.
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