On Wednesday, 26 May 2021, the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament and the Global Progressive Forum will jointly organise an online event on Climate Diplomacy ahead of Glasgow COP26.
The event will take place 14.00-15.30 and will be live-streamed at:
Following the election of the new US president, Joe Biden, and the return of the US to the Paris Agreement, the aim is to discuss a new approach to climate change diplomacy and joint action among the most influential actors, including Europe, the US and China.
Speakers include Andreas Schieder, S&D MEP and co-chair of the GPF; Margot Wallström, former Swedish minister for foreign affairs and former environment commissioner and vice-president of the EU Commission; Diederik Samsom, head of cabinet for First Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans; François Godement, French historian and specialist on China and East Asia and international relations East Asia; and Stephen Minas, associate professor, School of Transnational Law, Peking University, China. The event is open to the public and will be moderated by Bloomberg TV journalist Maria Tadeo.
The event forms part of a series of one hundred online events that will be organised by the different GPF partners from April to November 2021 covering various topics linked to the progressive agenda. The next joint event will then be organised on 22 June 2021 and focus on “Local Communities for a Sustainable World”. Further information on all the upcoming preparatory events can be found on the Global Progressive Forum website.
Note to the editors:
The GPF is an international coalition of progressive groups, which have joined forces to launch the Global Progressive Forum 2021 (www.globalprogressiveforum.org). The GPF 2021 will be convened in the European Parliament in Brussels on 18-19 November 2021 and aims at connecting progressive forces from around the world to develop a global progressive agenda. It will be the first major international gathering of progressive forces - bringing people together both online and in person - since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Topics for discussion range from climate change to economic governance, sustainability and digitisation. Speakers will include progressive prime ministers, mayors, academics, trade unionists, civil society representatives and activists from around the world.