The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament today gave their full support to a strong resolution on the revision of the European Consensus on Development. The resolution adopted represents a new common vision for development policy for the EU and its member states with a central objective of eradicating poverty and tackling inequalities. At its heart is the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – including the economic, social and environmental dimensions.
The S&D Group underlines that the resolution adopted must serve as a basis for the negotiations with the EU institutions.
Norbert Neuser MEP, the European Parliament's negotiator on the issue and S&D Group vice-president, stated:
"I am very happy that the resolution was adopted with broad approval. This will strengthen our position towards the other EU institutions. It is of utmost importance to us that whilst meeting today’s challenges, the main driver for development cooperation remains poverty eradication and to empower the people to live in peace, dignity and prosperity."
Linda McAvan MEP, the S&D chair of the development committee said:
"Real progress towards SDGs requires a strong development consensus which sets out how we end inequalities; a consensus which proposes radical new programmes in areas like tax justice to help us fund development; a consensus that really delivers on the promise of leaving no-one behind. The position adopted by Parliament today gives us a strong basis to enter negotiations with the Council and Commission and achieve the development policy the EU needs to meet the SDGs."
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