The S&D Group today backed visa-free travel for Ukrainian citizens visiting the EU.
S&D vice-president Tanja Fajon said:
“The S&D Group has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine and the visa-free travel of its citizens to the EU. We welcome this resolution, which makes clear Parliament’s support for visa-free travel for 45 million Ukrainian citizens. This will make life easier for the thousands of Ukrainians who visit EU countries every year and is recognition of Ukraine’s recent reform efforts.”
Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann MEP, S&D spokesperson for the report, added:
“Ukrainian citizens need to feel that the situation in their country is changing for the better. This step shows that reforms lead to tangible results that improve citizens’ lives. The Ukrainian government should continue its reform efforts and make additional efforts to fight corruption and strengthen the rule of law in the country.
“Of course we need safeguards to ensure the visa liberalisation is not abused and has its limitations. It is only applicable to holders of biometric passports issued by Ukraine and only gives citizens a right to travel, not to work. However this is another important step bringing Ukraine closer to European norms.”
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