The S&D Group in the European Parliament strongly condemns the fourth nuclear test of a claimed hydrogen bomb undertaken by North Korea last night, considering such action as a real threat to peace in the region. European Socialists and Democrats urge the North Korean regime to refrain from further provocative actions and to convene a UN Security Council meeting to consider further sanctions.
S&D MEP and vice-president for foreign affairs, Victor Boştinaru said:
"Despite warnings North Korea has conducted another nuclear test. This provocation, if confirmed, violates North Korea's international obligations under UN Security Council Resolutions not to produce or test nuclear weapons. This additional reckless step further isolates the impoverished North Korean regime, which is also responsible for the systematic killings and violations of human rights of its people. We urge North Korea to abandon its nuclear programme in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner and to concentrate on improving the living standard of its people instead."
Richard Howitt MEP, S&D Group foreign affairs coordinator said:
"This act undoubtedly undermines the efforts for a lasting peace in the Korean Peninsula between South and North Korea, and threatens global peace and stability in North-East Asia. We urge the North Korean regime to engage in a dialogue with the international community in the Six-Party Talks. The S&D Group also invites the Governments to give a clear response that there are consequences to such actions and supports the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council to consider new measures in relation to the North Korean regime."