The European Union and Mexico will review the existing Free Trade Agreement (FTA) next autumn.
The Socialists and Democrats welcomed the announcement by trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, that she will request a mandate from member states to start negotiations, but want this mandate to be made public and negotiations conducted with transparency.
Sorin Moisa, S&D spokesperson on this FTA, said:
"I strongly welcome the prospect of opening negotiations in the coming months. I believe that an ambitious upgrade of the current agreement - a first generation FTA rather limited in scope when compared with the latest FTAs concluded by the EU - can bring substantive benefits to both economies and societies."
David Martin MEP, S&D spokesperson on international trade, said:
"We will request that the Commission conduct the negotiations in a transparent manner and that the mandate be made public, as was the case for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
"Our group will also push for a robust human rights linkage clause and for binding commitments to be included in the sustainable development chapter."
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