S&Ds will constructively try to build a majority for a fair TTIP in the trade committee

Following the decision by the president of the European Parliament to send the report on TTIP back to the international trade committee, the S&D Group reaffirms its commitment to negotiate a fair Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership that will benefit citizens, consumers, patients and SMEs. 

The author of the parliamentary report and chairman of the trade committee, S&D MEP Bernd Lange, said: 

"We were ready to vote and fight for a resolution shaped according to our social democratic principles, with strong protection of workers’ rights, public services and environmental standards. We will continue to talk to all political groups and try and rally support behind our position."

The S&D spokesperson on trade, David Martin MEP, said: 

"We stand firmly by our opposition to ISDS and the defence of public services and workers' rights.

"We will continue to fight for this and to build a majority in the international trade committee"

MEPs involved