After the latest news on children abducted in South Sudan, most probably to become child soldiers, and a situation of persisting conflict which has devastated the lives of millions of South Sudanese, the president of the Socialists and Democrats Group, Gianni Pittella, stated:
"The S&D Group in the European Parliament is horrified to hear that at least 89 boys in South Sudan have been abducted by armed men and will most probably become child soldiers. Unfortunately it is not the first time we have had to witness this harmful crime against humanity.
"In South Sudan a bloody war is still going on, in the general indifference of the international community. According to UN figures about 12,000 children were used as child soldiers last year in South Sudan; about 1.5 million people have been displaced because of the conflict and 2.5 million are facing severe food shortages.
"Under the constant and pervasive pressure of the international community, the leaders of all groups and parties should not miss the opportunity to use the Addis talks to lay the foundations for a lasting peace, going beyond short-term interests. There must be pressure put in place in order to achieve peace and in particular on both Salva Kiir Mayardit and opposition leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny.
"The S&D Group will propose to the European Parliament to deal with this terrible issue by introducing an urgency resolution to be discussed during the next session in Strasbourg."