"The understanding of the Stability and Growth Pact is now smarter" say S&D Euro MPs

S&D Euro MPs today welcome the Commission's communication on the Stability and Growth Pact "as a significant step to change the direction of Europe".
S&D Group president Gianni Pittella said:
"This move is a first success for our political family. We see a change in the Commission's approach to implementing the fiscal rules. For the first time we can reconcile fiscal discipline with growth.
"Europe is moving away from blind austerity. We can now use the Stability and Growth Pact and the fiscal treaty in a smarter way.
"We urge EU governments to act and seize the opportunity. Member states should now use this new room for manoeuvre to invest.
S&D MEP Roberto Gualtieri, the chair of the economic and monetary committee in the European Parliament added:
"Member states will now have the flexibility to invest in European projects, in particular through the €315 billion investment plan and cohesion policy.
"Structural reforms will also be taken into account to allow temporary deviations up to 0.5% GDP from fiscal consolidation path fully safeguarding national ownership on reforms and parliaments prerogatives".
"Structural reforms will also now be taken into account when assessing the fiscal situation of a member state."

S&D MEP Pervenche Berès, who will draft the Parliament's report on economic governance, stated:
"This interpretation of the rules on the Stability and Growth Pact shows that this new Commission is taking the economic situation in Europe seriously and has recognised the need for an investment plan.
"This is not yet the end of the tunnel. We need to go further to achieve a strategy for growth and jobs from the current discussions on the deepening of the economic and monetary union (EMU)."