Socialists and Democrats welcome Commissioner Cecilia Malmström’s commitment to improve transparency and publish negotiating documents related to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) as requested by the S&D Group.
At a public conference S&D members yesterday called on the Commission to publish the EU negotiating texts and to give civil society and consumer organisations the chance to give meaningful input to the negotiating process of the TTIP between the EU and the United States.
S&D MEP Bernd Lange, chairman of the international trade committee and MEP responsible for the TTIP report in the European Parliament, said:
“Yesterday we called for concrete measures from the Commission, so we are happy to see such a quick reaction. Texts should be made public in order to foster deep and proper discussion on the content. It is not only a matter of transparency: Comments from civil society and unions should be taken on board and form part of the Commission's negotiation process.
S&D president Gianni Pittella said:
“We will not give a blank cheque to the Commission. Unlike other political groups in the European Parliament we will base our final position on the concrete content, negotiated between the EU-Commission and the US-side.
“TTIP could create jobs and growth and it could shape future rules and standards internationally but it should not come at the expense of consumer, health, environmental, labour and safety standards.”
S&D spokesperson on trade, MEP David Martin, said:
“There is real potential in TTIP to get the global economy moving again but what is clear is that we do not want an agreement which will put workers or consumers at a disadvantage.
"If the EU and US don't seize this opportunity to set global standards, we will become followers of rules set by China; far below our standards today."
Members of the S&D group discussed with trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström, US ambassador Michael Punke and representatives of workers unions and citizens’ representatives during a public debate yesterday. See the programme and list of speakers at the event here.
S&D MEP Bernd Lange said he will take on board concerns and comments expressed by civil society and will draft a resolution specifying the areas that should be left out of the negotiations, calling for the inclusion of certain guarantees and seeking clarification where needed. This resolution will be voted on by the Parliament in March.
Interview with Monique Goyens, Director General of the European consumer organisation and David Martin, S&D spokesperson on trade.