Weekly Update - 20/05/2016

Quote of the week

Thanks to us Socialists & Democrats, a new understanding of reforms is gaining ground: we need modern public administration, good education, investment in jobseekers' skills, good-quality childcare, accessible healthcare and fair taxation. These are the real, progressive reforms which will enable people to do business and create prosperity based on fair competition. The Commission is finally recognising that de-regulation and precarious working conditions will not bring much good to Europe.

Maria João Rodrigues


Next week we are preparing for a mini plenary, here, in Brussels.  On the agenda - energy poverty, the Digital Single Market, poverty, tax avoidance and an important visit from the UK.

Check our website for all the details on our activity during this plenary session.

This Wednesday is a big day for one of the Group's most recent reports. MEP Theresa Griffin's report on Energy Poverty - delivering a new deal for energy consumers will be on the agenda.

Also on Wednesday MEP Maria Arena will present her thorough report on Poverty: a gender perspective during the mini-plenary.

Bitcoin - we all know what it is and some of us have been using it for the past years. It’s high time we also had some regulations around it. This is why on Thursday we are looking forward to the presentation and vote of the S&D report on virtual currencies.

We are also looking forward to an interesting debate on the Digital single market package, one of our Group's top priorities.

Also on Wednesday, former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown is going to join S&D MEPs to discuss the upcoming British referendum.

This Tuesday, in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs we are looking forward to the vote on MEP Hugues Bayes' report on tax avoidance practices.

At the end of the week we are getting ready to welcome visitors at this year's edition of the European Parliament Open Days. There's no need to register for the event. Just come visit us in Brussels on May 28 and ask us all that you want to know about the EU and its politicians.

We are also preparing for the Progressive Economy Forum. It is scheduled to take place in the European Parliament (room JAN 4Q2) on May 31, and this year's theme is Investment and Innovation at the Heart of European Recovery.

Registrations are open until Thursday, May 26, and you can find the full programme here.

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