S&D Group's Plenary Times - news on the European Parliament's Plenary session in Brussels - 23 to 26 November 2020

European parliament brussels session

Preparation of the European Council meeting of 10-11 December 2020

Debate on Wednesday 25 November

Iratxe García Pérez, S&D Group President

“When Europe is being hit by the worst recession since World War II still with unknown consequences, blocking the funds to overcome the crisis is utterly irresponsible. Portraying this blockade as a struggle between the Brussels bureaucrats and the national governments is absolutely demagogic and unfair. We, in the European institutions, represent European citizens and have been working day and night to bring solutions to the unprecedented Covid-19 crisis. And we will continue to look for the best solutions to deliver. Now it is the responsibility of the conservative leaders in the EU Council to persuade their counterparts in Hungary, Poland and Slovenia to reconsider. Too much is at stake, also for them.”

S&D press officer: MARTIN DE LA TORRE Victoria - victoria.martindelatorre@europarl.europa.eu  + 32 473 23 41 73


Representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers

Debate and vote on Tuesday 24 November

Lara Wolters MEP, S&D spokesperson on collective redress

“Next week the European Parliament will vote on landmark legislation that guarantees an EU-wide system of collective redress. The S&D Group has always been committed to putting consumer interests first and next week’s vote is a major step forward for enhancing consumer protection to levels that transcend national borders like never before. The new laws ensure access to justice all over Europe, allowing consumers to join forces and seek EU-wide redress for harm done by big companies.”

S&D press officer: MACPHEE Ewan - ewan.macphee@europarl.europa.eu  +32 478 96 19 14


Towards a more sustainable single market for business and consumers

Debate on Monday 23 November, Final vote on Wednesday 25 November

Biljana Borzan MEP, S&D vice-president for consumer protection

“The Sustainable Single Market is at the heart of the discussions of the S&D Group. In next week’s plenary, we call for a ban on premature obsolescence of products, and the introduction of mandatory labelling on their expected lifespan and reparability. Citizens should know what they are spending money on. Given that 77% of citizens would prefer to repair rather than buy a new product, we call on the Commission to introduce a strong right to repair for consumers through the availability of spare parts at a reasonable price.”

S&D press officer: CHIRU Dana - dana.chiru@europarl.europa.eu  +32 460 96 33 54


EU Trade Policy Review

Debate on Tuesday 24 November

Final vote on Thursday 26 November

Bernd Lange MEP, author of the parliamentary report and chair of the International Trade Committee

“Next week’s plenary vote on the Trade Policy Review will be a strong signal that the European Parliament wants to reset our trade policy, especially now that the Covid-19 pandemic has further exposed long-standing shortcomings and vulnerabilities. To steer the European Commission in the right direction, we have put forward progressive guidelines for a trade policy that is not solely focused on the challenges of the past, but looks at the present and future. We must ensure that the EU acts in a way that is sustainable, resilient and assertive."

S&D press officer: PELZ Silvia - silvia.pelz@europarl.europa.eu  + 32 478 75 07 12


Abortion rights in Poland

Debate on Wednesday 25 November and Final vote Thursday 26 November

Robert Biedroń MEP, S&D negotiator on abortion rights in Poland

“At the initiative of Socialists and Democrats, the EP will debate the de-facto ban on the right to abortion in Poland, following the shameful ruling of the PiS-controlled tribunal. We must condemn this unprecedented attack on women’s fundamental rights and freedoms, and express our solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of brave Polish women and men who - for four weeks now - have been taking to the street, both in big cities and small towns, to oppose the ruling. Women’s rights are human rights and the European institutions and the member states must protect them! As the negotiator on the resolution, I will also call on the Commission to directly support programs and civil society organisations working to ensure that women  have access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.”

S&D press officer: CZERNY-GRIMM Inga - inga.czerny-grimm@europarl.europa.eu + 32 474 62 28 84


Escalating tensions in Varosha following the illegal actions by Turkey and the urgent need for the resumption of talks

Debate on Tuesday 24 November, Final vote on Thursday

Nacho Sánchez Amor MEP, rapporteur on Turkey and S&D foreign affairs committee member

“S&D Group condemns the illegal partial “opening” of Varosha as a clear violation of international law. These regrettable actions by Turkey, which blatantly contravene the relevant UNSC Resolutions, further undermine mutual trust and the prospects for a comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem. It is another example of the policy of fait accompli that Turkey is regrettably trying to implement in many areas of its foreign policy in recent times. The EU should show a firm stance against the Turkish attempts to promote a two-state solution and push for the urgent resumption of negotiations under the auspices of the UN for a comprehensive settlement in accordance with international law.”

S&D press officer: CZERNY-GRIMM Inga - inga.czerny-grimm@europarl.europa.eu  + 32 474 62 28 84

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