S&D Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights and What's Coming Up

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“Pharmaceutical companies will not drag us into some kind of auction to increase their profits. It is of utmost importance that these companies comply with the conditions and deadlines agreed with the European Union. Transparency of the contracts can only reinforce the credibility of the European Commission, as the European Parliament has been insistently calling for in recent months. At the same time, we must work to ensure that we solve any production capacity shortage. Thousands of lives are at stake, and there is no time to waste!”

S&D Group leader, Iratxe García Pérez

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament have been urging pharmaceutical companies to fulfil the obligations they agreed to when they signed contracts with the EU.


On Monday, MEPs in the budget committee will discuss how EU funds are helping to finance the EU’s Covid-19 vaccines strategy.

The scrutiny process for the EU-UK agreement continues in a number of committees throughout the week, including a joint meeting of the foreign affairs committee and the international trade committee. S&D vice-president Kati Piri is the co-lead in the European Parliament’s consent procedure.

Climate is also back on the agenda next week with a proposal from the Commission for a carbon border adjustment mechanism, as part of the European Green Deal. This mechanism is not just about the EU’s ambitions for climate neutrality, but addresses global efforts.

As one of the largest consumers of energy in the EU, building stock has a big impact on the EU’s climate goals. This is why the S&D Group published a position paper this week, outlining affordable housing, green buildings and safe jobs as key demands for the renovation market.

Throughout the week, the S&D Group will be preparing for the 8-11 February plenary session with Group and Bureau meetings.

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