S&Ds - Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up

Weekly update

Quote of the week S&D president, Iratxe García Pérez, on the Spitzenkandidat process
We call on national leaders to make an effort to find a compromise in the spirit of the EU Treaties and the European democracy. It was a big achievement for the European Parliament to have its role recognized in the Lisbon Treaty, and we must preserve the link between the majority in the European Parliament and the president of the European executive branch.

Upcoming activities

On Sunday morning our Group leader Iratxe García will participate in the extraordinary conference of presidents of the political groups in the European Parliament, and she will then attend the PES leaders meeting in Brussels.

On Monday evening, our Group will meet in Strasbourg to prepare for the first plenary session of the European Parliament.

The S&D Group president Iratxe García will hold a press conference on Tuesday at 11.50h.

From 2-4 July, we will formally constitute the new European Parliament and elect its new president.
On Thursday, MEPs will also debate the outcome of the European summit on 20-21 June.

Within our Group, we will be busy deciding the portfolios for the new S&D bureau and finalising the decisions on our S&D candidates for EP vice-presidents, as well as for chairs and vice-chairs of committees and of interparliamentary delegations.
Stay tuned during the week and follow us on Twitter for daily news.

European citizens have voted in this year’s elections in numbers unprecedented in the past two decades, proving that Europe is much more than a project. This is why we have launched a call for an EU-wide consultation of people’s priorities on which the work and new mandate of the Socialists and Democrats’ Group in the European parliament should be based.
Therefore, we invite everyone who has an idea or an initiative to get in touch with us by adding a suggestion here. The ideas will be collected and taken into account for the work over the next five years.
For updates and details, follow us on Twitter!

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