S&D Group’s Position Paper On Gender Equality & Women’s Rights



As female politicians we are very well aware of the incredible amount of sexism and discrimination that surrounds us and shapes the societies we live in. We, the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, want this to change as soon as possible. Our vision for Europe is a feminist one. We want a life in dignity for all and see gender equality as the basis of democracy, not as a cherry on top!

We will not allow backsliding on gender equality, be it by conservative right-wing governments or international anti-democratic movements. Gender equality and women’s rights are an integral part of any democratic society and as such they need to be advanced, safeguarded and protected.

We put forward this position paper as a roadmap, a pledge and a commitment to every woman and girl in the European Union and beyond. In our feminist fight we will continue to champion women’s rights and gender equality, make politics work for all and celebrate diversity. We put gender equality at the heart of our work, always keeping it as one of the main objectives and core values we strive to uphold.

Because we know that gender-equal societies are not just for women. These societies are happier, healthier, safer, more just and prosperous for all.