Remarks by Iratxe García Pérez on the occasion of her re-election as President of the S&D Group

Iratxe Garcia June 2024

Thank you so much for making this day a reality, a day that I will remember for the rest of my life. I will also remember what we have lived together in the last five years: our ideals, our victories, our laughter, our tears and, above all, the warmth of all the colleagues who have accompanied me on this journey.

Friends, today I do not come to this meeting just representing myself. Today, like all of you, I come to represent the social democratic group in the European Parliament. A few days ago, I asked you not to forget that we represent social democracy – the highest and noblest of ideas, the only ideology that can free the oppressed and help humanity progress to heights it has never before reached.

These last few days, I have been asking myself the same question I first asked myself before I joined the Spanish Socialist Workers Party: What are our ideals? Are they improving our personal situation and those of our children? No, we want more.

We want people who work their entire lives to live well, not in poverty.

We want secure and well-paid jobs that are not obstacles to a competitive economy, but as the pillars of it.

We want education, health, and housing for all, not just for the privileged few.

We want science and art to belong to everybody, not to a select few.

We want to fight against climate change and achieve sustainable growth without leaving anyone behind.

We want a digital society, but one that respects people's rights and interests.

We want to live in a society where men and women are equal, and where people can be whoever they want to be, regardless of their social background.

In short, we want to put an end to all injustice. Friends, we represent the forces that make up the social democratic group, and as such, we are obliged to take our ideas everywhere.

Being the President of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament is a great honour and a great responsibility, but I will only be able to do it with the help of the men and women who stand alongside me in this great social democratic family.  

Full speech attached below

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