Plenary update: 12-15 September 2016

▶ Wed 14: State of the Union

+ 33 3 88 17 5159

Following Brexit, following the eruption of the migration crisis and the terrorist attack, in the scenario of endemic very low growth of the economy, business as usual is simply not an option.

Europe needs a turning point. We want to make it possible with this Commission and possibly also with the current majority in the EU Parliament. But it must be clear: We won't remain silent while the ship sinks. Cooperation with EPP and ALDE is acceptable and compromises are welcome if they are useful and needed for Europe. Watered-down compromises at the expenses of our values or principles will be simply rejected. We will then evaluate issues on a case by case basis.

We very much appreciated some of the courageous steps Mr Juncker took regarding the migration compact, the investment plan and the communication on flexibility. The work of this Commission is much better than that of Barroso's Commission. But we live in extraordinary times and we need extraordinary measures.

Our demands of Mr Juncker:
- A new courageous Investment Plan with double investment capacity (200 billion a year) and risky capacity for the projects to be financed (It is unacceptable that Eastern Europe, Southern Italy or Greece have had no projects financed because they were considered too risky).
- An end to stupid austerity and increased flexibility.
- A revised approach to Globalisation: MES to China is out of the question while we must seriously take into consideration people concerns over TTIP. These concerns are still there. In other words: if I had to vote today I would vote against!
- On terrorism the ball cannot just be left in the governments’ court. The EU must take the lead and come up with a clear proposal on the establishment of a European FBI.
- The recent Barroso and Apple cases have shown once again the desperate need for a resolute policy against tax evasion and for a moralisation of our economic system. I asked President Juncker to table a proposal on CCCTB (Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base) and whistle-blowers and to steer the Commission to the forefront in the fight against conflict of interests by foreseeing for example an extension of the cooling off period.
- Juncker promised us the Triple A on Social agenda but yet not much has been delivered. We demand a stronger protection of the precarious work, resulting in particular from the digital revolution.
- Last but not least: no special treatment for the UK. Out means out and no one can demand to take advantage from the benefits of being an EU member while staying outside the EU. The sooner the better, the UK must leave the the EU.

▶ Tues 13: EU relations with Turkey

+ 33 3 88 17 5138

The coup plotters left a deep wound in Turkish society who on the night of 15 July witnessed the killing of almost 250 innocent citizens and the bombing of the Turkish parliament. While the perpetrators must be brought to justice, we have great concerns about the ongoing purges against ten thousands of people who are fired from their job or arrested.

We urge the Turkish government to ensure access to lawyers and a fair trial for all concerned. A clear distinction must be made between those who committed criminal acts and those who didn't. Furthermore, Turkey mustn't slip back twenty years in time when mistreatment and torture of detainees was widespread.

The political unity at the initial stage after the coup attempt showed that positive change is possible despite a highly polarized society. Therefore it is important that all parliamentary parties are actively involved in the constitutional reform process. Restarting the peace talks in order to find a sustainable solution for the Kurdish question is an essential step in the country's democratization process.

▶ Tues 13: Recent developments in Poland and their impact on fundamental rights as laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

+ 33 3 88 17 5468

Rule of law is the common constitutional tradition of Member States and the guarantor of a well-functioning democratic state that respects the fundamental rights of its citizens. Article 2 of TEU, hence, defines these principles as founding principles of our Union.
Recent political developments in Poland, the attempt on the independence of the Constitutional Court, the proposed changes to the media law, amendments to the Police Act, Code of Criminal Conduct, Prosecution Act, the Act on counter-terrorism, the debate on women’s right to choose are undermining the principles of the rule of law and fundamental rights.

Following the adoption of the Commission Recommendation under the Rule of Law Framework, the S&D Group expects the Polish Government to work with the Commission bearing in mind the obligation of sincere cooperation set out in the Treaty and urges the Polish government to find a compromise which would solve the ongoing constitutional crisis in line with the opinion of the Venice Commission and recommendation of the Commission.

▶ Tues 13: EU relations with Tunisia in the current regional context

+ 33 3 88 17 5349

Tunisia represents a successful example in the Arab world and its consolidation is paramount for the stability of the entire region. It is crucial that the democratic transition in Tunisia be consolidated and supported politically and economically. The terrorist attacks have had a devastating effect on the economy and unemployment, especially among young people, remains high. The critical nature of the problems affecting Tunisia demands more and better support to contribute to capacity building for the Tunisian institutions, justice sector and security reforms.

▶ Tues 13: Inquiry into emission measurements in the automotive sector

+ 33 3 88 17 5853

The committee of inquiry has now been working for almost 6 months, and this interim report is the occasion to present its working method, but no political conclusions yet. It's important to have the topic on the plenary agenda to keep the pressure on the Commission and the Members States for them to be more cooperative, and to keep the citizens updated on our work. S&D Group was the leader in the creation of this committee, and is holding a critical part of the committee work during auditions.  It's essential that we fully grab the chance to show the EU is also working hard to defend citizens and consumers interests towards  industry lobbying, and that we have air quality, public health and sustainable transports on top of our political agenda.

▶ Tues 13: Asylum: Provisonal measures in favour of Italy and Greece

+ 33 3 88 17 5489

Italy and Greece had to deal with an unprecedented influx of refugees in need of international protection. In the name of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibilities between Member States, a temporary relocation mechanism was created that would help the two countries to better cope with the influx until a permanent mechanism is in place. However, so far Member States have not responded to this call and the numbers remain at extremely low levels compared to the continuously high number of potential candidates for relocation. It is also worrying that Greece still has not overcome administrative or other obstacles related to the registration of refugees and the processing of asylum applications. We strongly repeat our call for further action and the acceleration of relocation program and disagree with the Commission's proposal to turn the relocation positions for the two countries into resettlement positions.

▶ Mon 12: EU Trust fund for Africa

+ 33 3 88 17 5296

The EU Trust Fund on Africa (EUTF) has been proposed by the European Commission to tackle the root causes of migration through stabilising the regions which it is targeting. It was adopted during the Valletta Summit in November 2015. The Commission has contributed to the EUTF with 1.8 billion Euros coming mainly from the EDF-reserve. Another 1.8 billion Euros are supposed to come from the Member States, which, however, have contributed only 81 million Euros so far. The Social Democrats welcome the basic idea of the EUTF. However, I strongly condemn the use of this Fund for financing boarder management and border controls. This is development money, which should go only into projects like education, health care and infrastructure. I also criticise the fact, that the resources to funding instruments outside the EU budget is not a viable way to mobilise additional funding. This way we are bypassing the budgetary authority and are undermining the unity of the budget. Therefore we have been asking to integrate the EDF into the EU Budget already for a long time in order to ensure the sustainability of long-term projects in the development cooperation.

▶ Wed 14: Group candidates for the Sakharov prize 2016

+ 33 3 88 17 5846

The S&D Group will decide on Wednesday evening during the Group’s meeting on the candidate for the Sakharov prize 2016.

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