S&D Times - This week's highlights and what's coming up

Quote of the week by S&D negotiator on plastics, Massimo Paolucci

“The amount of plastic waste in the marine and oceanic environment is dramatically increasing. This is especially true for fishing gears, which together with the 10 single-use plastic articles found most frequently on beaches, account for around 70% of plastic marine litter. Thanks to the vote in the environment committee on Wednesday, we have ensured that by 2025 the 90% of the plastic bottles must not only be collected but also recycled. We are proud to have pushed the European Parliament to take a major step forward to save the oceans and to spread an aware way of life that can go beyond the ‘throwaway’ and the culture of waste. As of now, producers will have to cover the clean-up costs for single-use plastic items.The awareness of the EU citizens plays in fact a crucial role here to reach our target.”


Upcoming activities

A very busy week ahead of us. Brexit will be on top of the EU leaders' agenda on Wednesday and Thursday.

At the same time, our Group will be intensely preparing for the Strasbourg session of October 22-25. Our MEPs will vote on key files, participate in delegations and organise conferences.

On Thursday 18, our MEP Javi Lopez from the employment and social affairs committee will lead a vote on transparent and predictable working conditions in the EU. This is a key S&D file. We are fighting for better working conditions for all, including workers in vulnerable positions.

Also on Thursday, S&D MEP Damiano Zoffoli will lead a vote in the environment committee on the CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy vehicles, which are responsible for 6% of the total EU CO2 emissions. Our Group is leading the transition to clean mobility while preserving jobs.

On Monday 15, the TAX3 committee will hold a public hearing on golden visas and other national schemes providing tax privileges. Our MEPs will discuss with experts and representatives from the OECD and Global Witness. The S&D has been at the forefront of the fight against money-laundering, tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee, MEPs will vote on the interoperability between EU information systems.

On Wednesday 17, MEPs Nicola Danti and Evelyne Gebhardt will welcome Commissioner Vera Jourova, to an S&D conference on the “New deal for consumers” file. The conference will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels in room A3G-3 from 15:00 to 17:00. You can register here.

On Thursday 18, MEPs Silvia Costa and S&D vice-president Maria João Rodrigues together with several other MEPs will host a conference titled Education, Culture and Solidar Citizenship - Reshaping Europe from here”. It will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels in room ASP A3G-2 from 09:00 to 12:00. Please register here by Tuesday 16 October.

On the same day, the S&D Group will host a conference on “Populist Attitudes & Voting Behaviour in the run up to EP Election 2019”. Representatives from institutions, universities and researchers will debate with you the lessons learnt from the Swedish elections and the scenarios for the European Parliament elections. The conference will be held at the European Parliament in Brussels in room A3G-3. For information and to register, please email: s-d.Conf-Integration@europarl.europa.eu by 12 October 2018.

Finally, from the 5th to 9th of November we will be hosting the 4th edition of the Africa week. Our MEPs will engage over seminars, exhibitions and conferences with stakeholders from Europe and Africa to help build a stronger EU-Africa partnership. For more info and registration see here.

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