S&D Times - This week's highlights and what's coming up

Quote of the week
We must develop ambitious measures to ensure that the rights of young people, such as decent working conditions, access to social protection and adequate remuneration are always respected when they participate in EU funded programmes.

Brando Benifei

Past activities

Take a look at our Group’s priorities in the past Plenary session.

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Upcoming activities

Busy week ahead for our Group! As the committee week unfolds, we’re ready to tackle crucial issues. On the table, our MEPs will have a decision on the new composition of the European Parliament, cross-border parcel delivery, protection against dumped and subsidised imports or mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation.
On Thursday, the Environment committee will vote on a deal reached between the Parliament and the Council on the effort sharing by member states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The deal struck is far from the proposals approved by the European Parliament before engaging in negotiations. The S&Ds in the environment committee will not back this outcome because it may undermine EU's success in fulfilling our Paris obligations for 2030.

The same committee will also vote on the report by S&D MEP Damiano Zoffoli on CO2 emissions from and fuel consumption of new heavy-duty vehicles.



Two interesting #EuropeTogether events, our annual Youth for Gender Equality Forum and open applications for this year’s School of Democracy are just a few of the other highlights for the upcoming period.
On January 23rd we’re joining forces with SOLIDAR in organising the fifteenth edition of the Silver Rose Awards. From the vast number of nominations, the jury, composed of MEPs and representatives of major trade unions and civil society organisations, selected six awardees in several categories: Together for Social Europe, Building Learning Societies, Organising International Solidarity, Lifetime  Achievement Award and the Special award by the Jury.

This year the jury had to make some sensitive choices as each of awardees is active in the highly discussed field such as Women’s Rights, Workers’ protection or a highly politicized topic, the protection of Whistleblowers.
If you can’t join us, follow the event live on Facebook and on www.europe-together.eu.


We have also started preparing our next Together event. So, save the date, because on February 22nd we’re taking our debate to Bruges, to talk about Democratic Participation in the upcoming 2019 European elections. 

Registrations are now open and follow our event page for updates on speakers!


It’s time for our School of Democracy again! This year we’re organising our fourth School of Democracy, from 6 - 8 June, in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Over the course of three days, 100 young people from both inside and outside the EU will discuss the major issues facing Europe and the world. Participants will have the chance to debate with experts from the political, economic and academic worlds.

To be eligible to apply you have to be between 18 and 25 and be passionate about progressive politics. Travel, hotel and meal expenses will be paid by us. 

There will be interpretation in the main languages of the EU, but a good knowledge of English would be an advantage. 

Registrations are now open!

Only the first 1000 applications will be taken into consideration. The top 100 of these will be selected for the School and will be contacted by the end of March 2018 at the latest. 


As we are getting ready for a year full of challenges, we are looking forward to our upcoming edition of the Youth for Gender Equality Forum, scheduled to take place in Brussels, between 30th January - 1st February 2018.

Step it up for Gender Equality is an interactive and inspiring initiative to promote dialogue, exchange, learning and networking for people engaged in promoting gender equality in their daily lives. Our Group is organising it in collaboration with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, PES Women, Young European Socialists, Rainbow Rose and the Global Progressive Forum.



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