Lors de la plénière du 31 janvier, le Groupe des Socialistes & Démocrates au Parlement européen appellera les États membres à enfin adopter la directive relative à la...
The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament today welcomed the European Commission’s proposal towards a more sustainable Europe. S&D Group leader Udo Bullmann...
Today, negotiators of the European Parliament, the Commission and the EU member states reached an agreement to protect Europeans from the exposure to an additional five...
Check out the statements of our MEPS on the PEST COMMITTEE
The Tax Gap that still exists nowadays in the European Union is unacceptable: 825 000 000 000 Euros. While this represents a slight decrease compared to the estimate...
The European Tax Gap. A decade after the collapse of 2008 the European Union is only slowly getting back to economic recovery. Across the member states, whether within or...
Une étude commandée par le Groupe S&D révèle que l’évasion fiscale prive annuellement les Trésors européens de 825 milliards d’euros en revenus fiscaux. Si ce montant a...
Fair Tax Report. €825 000 000 000. This is the minimum amount missing from European public coffers every year. It is very likely that this tax gap measurement remains an...
La rareté en eau affecte au moins 11 % de la population européenne et 17 % du territoire européen. Depuis 1980, la fréquence des sécheresses augmente en Europe, et...
The final PEST report voted today in plenary by an overwhelming majority calls on the European institutions and member states to make the authorisation system for...