Press Conference on the Presentation of the ICSE REPORT by Progressive Society S&D Co-Chairs Iratxe GARCÍA and Eric ANDRIEU. The Great Shift sets out 10 game-changing...
La présidente du groupe S&D, Iratxe García, son vice-président, Éric Andrieu, et l'ancien premier ministre danois et coprésident de la Commission indépendante pour l...
The Great Shift is a unique contribution from a group of renowned experts and experienced policymakers united in the Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality...
Le Parlement européen vient d'approuver, à une majorité écrasante, une résolution sur la COP26 que notre délégation S&D présentera à la conférence des Nations unies qui...
We spoke with Afghan human rights defender @PalwashaHassan about what the Taliban take-over means for women and girls, and how they can be supported. Mrs Hassan is one of...
The Farm to Fork strategy is possibly the last call we have to make the whole food production system in Europe healthier - with less pesticides, antibiotics, and...
La stratégie "de la ferme à la fourchette" (Farm to Fork) est sans doute la dernière décision que nous devons prendre afin de rendre l'intégralité du système de...
We spoke with Afghan human rights defender and filmmaker @Sahraa Karimi about what the Taliban take-over means for women and girls, and how they can be supported. Mrs...
We spoke with Afghan human rights defender and former governor @SarabiHabiba about what the Taliban take-over means for women and girls, and how they can be supported...
From US refugee camp in Fort McCoy, we spoke to Afghan human rights activist @MaryAkrami about the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban. Mary Akrami is one of the 11...