Les Socialistes & Démocrates européens, principale force progressiste du Parlement européen, ont soutenu une demande d’avis juridique adressée à la Cour de Justice...
At a public conference S&D members yesterday called on the Commission to publish the EU negotiating texts and to give civil society and consumer organisations the chance...
Les Socialistes & Démocrates au Parlement européen organisaient ce 19 novembre, à Bruxelles, une conférence intitulée « La Culture comme outil économique et social...
At a public TTIP conference on Tuesday 18 November 2014, S&D members called on the Commission to publish the EU negotiating texts and to give civil society and consumer...
Les Socialistes & Démocrates saluent l’engagement pris par la commissaire Cecilia Malmström d’améliorer la transparence en publiant des documents relatifs aux...
The S&D Group organised on November 6th, a public debate in Naples to discuss immigration and asylum with a view to the tragedies that have recently unfolded in the...
At a public conference S&D members yesterday called on the Commission to publish the EU negotiating texts and to give civil society and consumer organisations the chance...
Participez le 18 novembre au débat public que nous organisons sur le Partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d'investissement (PTCI), l’accord commercial controversé...
On November 18, a public debate on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will be held in the European Parliament. The debate will focus on the key...
[ View the story "Relaunching Europe in Naples" on Storify ]