From April 5 to 11, the S&D Group organised a week of political and cultural events aimed at celebrating Africa-EU relations and discussing ways to give them new...
Modératrice : Wendy Bashi Avec la participation de Gianni Pittella, président du Groupe S&D, Victor Boştinaru et Knut Fleckenstein, vice-présidents S&D, ainsi que des...
EDUCA and its many faces. The world is facing an increasing number of conflicts, natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies. Among those affected, children are the...
Brussels. Ahead of the European Council this week, a demonstration in solidarity with refugees took place today in Place Jean Rey. Under the slogan of "No more walls in...
Aujourd'hui, le parlement européen, mené par la socialiste Mary Honeyball a adopté à une large majorité un rapport visant à mettre en place une politique européenne d...
For this 8th March, International Women's Day, we want to highlight that Women and Children now make up the majority of refugees reaching Europe to seek safety and...
30 millions d‘enfants mangeront plus sainement suite au vote aujourd'hui, au Parlement européen, d'une nouvelle législation qui permettra une distribution simple et...
The high-profile vote in the European Parliament today for an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia is a humanitarian appeal to end the bloodshed in Yemen, according to its...
EN : Yesterday, 5.000 steel workers demonstrated in Brussels streets in order to be given a chance to compete on a level playing field. Concretely, the workers urge the...
Meet Seydou Niang, the face behind the project "MEN SPEAK OUT" of GAMS (Groupe d'Abolition de la Mutilation Sexuel), in Belgium.