S&D Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights and What's Coming Up

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Quote of the week by S&D Group president, Iratxe García Pérez, on Europe’s stance against the Russian aggression of Ukraine:

“It is urgent that the United Nations organise humanitarian corridors that allow the supply of humanitarian aid and the evacuation of the most vulnerable people. At the same time, the International Criminal Court must move forward relentlessly in investigating Putin as a war criminal.

“The solution to Putin's cowardly aggression cannot and should not be the surrender of Ukraine or the amputation of its territory. Any concession to the Kremlin will only serve to strengthen its autocratic imperialist project. Let us speak loud and clear to Putin: every democratic European state has the right to be part of the European Union, including Ukraine.”

Accompanied by the head of the SPD delegation in the European Parliament, Jens Geier, and by S&D Group vice-president Gaby Bischoff, the leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Iratxe García Pérez, will pay a two-day visit to Berlin on 14-15 March for a meeting with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and leading SPD representatives.

Committee work resumes next week

The war in Ukraine has, if ever possible, reinforced our commitment and the urgent need to fight against another global challenge: Climate change. On Monday 14 March, the environment committee will debate the presentation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report ‘Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability’. This report provides a comprehensive picture of the impacts of climate change, and looks at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at all levels.

In the frame of our common effort towards sustainable development, also on Monday 14 March the transport committee will hold a Structured Dialogue with Commissioner Breton who will present the Commission’s report ‘Transition Pathway for Tourism’.

On Tuesday 15 March, the very first measures of the Fit for 55 package, the ‘Market Stability Reserve’, will be voted in the environment committee. It concerns the amount of allowances to be placed in the market stability reserve for the Union’s greenhouse gas emission trading scheme. The rapporteur is S&D MEP Cyrus Engerer.

Also on Tuesday, we will be coming together online with members from national parliaments and leaders to discuss economic policies. We are especially looking forward to the contributions of Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni and Prime Minister António Costa.

On Wednesday 16 March, the women’s (FEMM) and legal affairs (JURI) committees will vote the negotiation mandate on the ‘Women on Boards Directive’ which aims at improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies. We are very pleased that finally this Directive seems to be unblocked in Council. Two of the European Parliament co-rapporteurs are S&D MEPs Evelyn Regner in FEMM, and Lara Wolters in JURI.

Upcoming event

Now more than ever, all Europeans must stand up together for our values and shape a European Union that is up to the future challenges and the threats, but also the opportunities. Today and tomorrow the Conference on the Future of Europe is taking in place in Strasbourg. 

This evening the progressive family - MEPs, citizens and unions - will meet for the Progressive Caucus. Tomorrow the plenary debate will focus on concrete proposals to move Europe forward. 

Our next Conference on the Future of Europe event will be in France, in Montpellier on 25 March, The Plea for a Mediterranean Macro-Region - At the heart of transition where we will discuss facing the climate emergency, geopolitical issues and the case for a Mediterranean macro-region.
Save the date - and register here to attend the event in Montpellier. 
And don’t forget to stay updated on all our initiatives and reactions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

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