S&Ds - Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up

S&Ds - Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up

Quote of the week by S&D Group president, Iratxe García Pérez

"European citizens sent a clear message in May: they trust the European Union, but they want a change. The best person to lead that change from the Commission would have been Frans Timmermans and I am disappointed that we did not succeed. However, my Group’s commitment to lead that change from the Parliament remains intact.

Our citizens expect from us that we build a Europe of equality, solidarity, sustainability and social justice."

Upcoming activities

This Sunday, we will be keeping a close eye on elections in Greece. As an important member state chooses its future leadership, we can only hope for a pro-European, anti-austerity stance from their part.

Next week, our S&D negotiators participating in a common platform with EPP, Renew Europe and The Greens, will explain the state of the talks to come up with a joint strategic program for the next legislature, which covers five policy areas: Rule of Law and migration; Environment; Economy and Trade; Digitalisation, and Foreign Policy.

The Group will also discuss the proposal made by the European Council for the top jobs in the European Commission. The candidate nominated by the Council to chair the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will address our Group next week, as well.  
Stay tuned throughout the week and follow us on Twitter for daily news.

This week in Strasbourg we were happy to welcome the newly-elected president of the European Parliament. David Maria Sassoli will lead the institution for the next 2,5 years. We will fully support him and details on his past work and experience can be found here.

This year’s European elections have seen the highest turnout in the past two decades. This stands to show that Europe is much more than a project. It is, also, why we have launched a call for an EU-wide consultation of people’s priorities on which the work and new mandate of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European parliament should be based.

Therefore, we invite everyone who has an idea or an initiative to get in touch with us by adding a suggestion here. The ideas will be collected and submitted to the S&D Group’s bureau.

For updates and details, follow us on Twitter!

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