Women in the EU face a scourge of sexual and gender-based violence*. On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Socialists and Democrats...
Az EU-ban a nőket szexuális és nemi alapú erőszak* sújtja. A nők elleni erőszak felszámolásának nemzetközi napján a szocialisták és demokraták ismét erős jogi eszközöket...
In this episode of "What's Left?" we dive into the fight for gender equality and women's rights. We look into the dangers to women's rights from the surge of the far...
What were you wearing? Panel Discussion on Wednesday, 29th November 2023 from 16:00 to 18:00 Iratxe Garc í a Pérez, S&D President - Introduction Recorded performance of...
Violence against women does not distinguish between social classes or geographical origin. It occurs in all segments of society, in all countries of the world...
Polish people voted for change, to stop the autocratic drift by PiS and to bring Poland back to its rightful place: the heart of Europe. Inga Czerny spoke to Robert...
After lengthy negotiations, the European Parliament is set to vote in Strasbourg on the report calling for a Europe-wide approach to prostitution, by decriminalising...
video starts at 14min 20sec
The Troubles, Northern Ireland’s bloody conflict, claimed the lives of over three and a half thousand people. But then, it ended. The late John Hume won the Nobel Peace...
The Good Friday Agreement seemed impossible. And then it happened. 25 years on, we honour this historic achievement.