A háborúval és a jobboldali szélsőségesség erősödésével szembesülve Európának új lendületet kell adnia a bővítési folyamatnak, a legsikeresebb békeprojektjének -...
The EU project is confronted with a radical new context: war on the continent, geopolitical rivalry, climate emergency, cost of living rising, pandemic experience...
The debate about EU Treaty change is back (programme below). The EU project is confronted with a radical new context: war on the continent, geopolitical rivalry, climate...
The workshop panel debated on a stronger European Union, enhancing the capacity of the EU to act in foreign policy, creating more EU competences in key fields such as...
The S&D AFCO workshop on will focus on the current proposals for institutional changes to the Treaties, currently under discussion in the AFCO committee. The workshop...
The Troubles, Northern Ireland’s bloody conflict, claimed the lives of over three and a half thousand people. But then, it ended. The late John Hume won the Nobel Peace...
The Good Friday Agreement seemed impossible. And then it happened. 25 years on, we honour this historic achievement.
We thought the far right in power was something consigned to history. But suddenly, we see them in government again, in power thanks to the liberals and centre right. S&d...
The European Parliament today called for voters to be given a second ballot paper in European elections to give the electorate the opportunity to vote for an EU-wide list...
Watch the highlights of the speech of Iratxe García Pérez on the conclusions of the European Council, the MFF, the Rule of Law Conditionality and Own Resources.