At yesterday’s conference on Creative Europe, Petra Kammerevert MEP, S&D Group’s co-ordinator in the culture and education committee, said: "Our conference brought...
On October 13, the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament organised an event on the Circular Economy. Commissioner Vella spoke on the state of play of...
The European Union is reviewing its Security of Gas Supply regulation, in place since 2010, with the Socialists and Democrats demanding stronger coordination between...
Following the vote by the European Parliament on the resolution on the need for a European reindustrialisation policy in light of the recent Caterpillar and Alstom cases...
A l’initiative des eurodéputés socialistes et démocrates, le Parlement européen a réclamé une stratégie de ré-industrialisation de l’Europe à la suite des annonces...
In the presence of UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon and French minister Ségolène Royale, the Parliament today backed the ratification of the COP 21 world climate...
The EU will soon end the export of drugs used for lethal injections in countries which still apply the death penalty. After a long political battle, the European...
The European Commission today finally proposed a reform of the EU’s trade rules on exporting products that can be used for military, torture or surveillance purposes. The...
According to this proposal, when operators detect that a customer in a given country may have bought a SIM card in another country just to benefit from cheaper prices...
The European Union is facing the largest refugee crisis since the end of World War II. It is a crisis of unprecedented magnitude that originates largely from conflicts...