EU-Africa Partnership - A round up of Africa Week 2020 See what were the topics at this year's event, and let's meet next year for Africa Week 2021! Find out more here
Stop the plague of unpaid internships! The S&D has been fighting for fairly paid internships and quality jobs for years. The vote on the reform of the Youth guarantee was...
The S&D Group welcomes the Commission’s long-awaited new Pact on Migration and Asylum based on solidarity, which includes a commitment to end ad hoc solutions to...
In a plenary debate in the European Parliament, the S&D Group will call for urgent, humanitarian solutions to respond to last week’s devastating fires in the Moria camp...
European Own Resources are vital to help the EU recover in the post Covid-19 lockdown era. As the next European Union budget is being fine-tuned and the recovery plan...
There has been too much talking. Now it’s time to act. Millions of refugees have fled their home due to conflict, violence and suffering. Supporting vulnerable people...
In this first episode of "What’s Left?", we take a look at ideas to recover from the worst recession since the Great Depression, following the COVID-19 outbreak. "Corona...
“It is intolerable that 23 pro-EU countries are hostage to four preferring a national response. It's not about more or less money, it's about believing in Europe. Finally...
“We don’t attack Hungary, we attack those who undermine democracy in a European country”. Our President Iratxe García calls for European Commission and the Council to...
Europe day celebration: 70 years after the creation of the European coal and steel community, we are called to make history, again! Workers in the healthcare, food...