S&D Outreach Event - LGBTIQ Rights Under Threat, 6 December 2022 from 18h30 to 20h00 Moderator: Sebastian Pay, SoHo Österreich, Rainbow Rose 18:30-18:35 Opening Statement...
On this International Women's Day, we focus on the question of unpaid care work. Women perform more than 4 hours of unpaid care work every day. It's time for care work to...
The Taliban's return to power in Afghanistan put the lives of many women in danger. For two days, the S&D Group met with Afghan women who fled their country to hear about...
Launch of the S&D Group’s Position Paper on Gender Equality 12:30 Introduction by the moderator Jennifer Baker and an intervention by the president of the S&D Group in...
READ THE CHARTER OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS As female politicians we are very well aware of the incredible amount of sexism and discrimination that surrounds us and shapes the...
We spoke with Afghan human rights defender @PalwashaHassan about what the Taliban take-over means for women and girls, and how they can be supported. Mrs Hassan is one of...
Gender equality is one of the European Union’s fundamental values. Gender mainstreaming means actively promoting equality between women and men at all stages and in all...
S&D Group urges Commission and Council to stand up for LGBTI people in Europe and protect their rights. S&D MEPs are urging the Commission and Member States to stand up...
Every 15 minutes, somewhere in the world a woman dies following complications from an illegal abortion. This is roughly 60,000 deaths each year due to abortion bans. The...