Save the date! On 4 June, the S&D Group will organise an event in Wrocław, Poland, on the theme of 'a Europe of Equal Opportunity'. The key panels will focus on: A clean...
The S&D Group and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung are organising a public seminar on Libya: The Way forward - Exploring paths towards democracy and human rights on Thursday...
S&D JURI Workshop: Protecting journalists, NGOs and civil society against abusive lawsuits with the new Anti-SLAPP Directive on Wednesday 1 June 2022, from 14.00 to 16.00...
Young people are the future! On 26 May, we will be in Palma de Mallorca for an event looking closely at youth policies in Europe. The S&D Group will be joined by PSOE...
Join us in Helsinki for in-depth discussions on the some of the most crucial topics of the moment - the future of Europe and security issues. Finland's security policy...
Democracy versus Autocracy Speakers include Klara Dobrev: S&D MEP, Former EP vice-president, Hungary Andreas Schieder: S&D MEP, GPF co-chair, Austria Mausi Seguin...
Pour une Europe Plus Sociale et Plus Solidaire, le 2 mai 2022 Débat citoyen autour du verre de l’amitié avec des eurodéputés, des représentants de la jeunesse, des...
Every year, since the year 2000, SOLIDAR organises its Silver Rose Awards in the European Parliament in cooperation with the S&D Group , an occasion to celebrate Civil...
How can we reset the rules for migration? Join us in Rotterdam for an in-depth discussion on what needs to change to create a fair, progressive migration policy in the EU...
Save the date! We will be coming to Riga for 3 days of debates on the social, cultural and democratic Future of Europe, with key themes for each session: Unity in...