Christel Schaldemose on Dieselgate Scandal

Today, the all-party internal market committee in the European Parliament struck a compromise to tighten up the approval and surveillance of new cars in response to the Dieselgate scandal.

It will be debated and put to a vote during the April plenary session in Strasbourg.

After the vote, S&D Group negotiator Christel Schaldemose said:

"The Socialists and Democrats have been a leading force in pushing for stronger measures for the approval and the surveillance of motor vehicles in order to address the failures identified in the inquiry committee on the so-called Dieselgate scandal over the past year.

"We have reached a fair deal. The compromise is not entirely waterproof but it will substantially lower the risks of a new emissions scandal.

"Member states will have to check 20% of cars put on the market. This means that from now on member states have control targets to reach which ensures much more, and much-needed, market surveillance. We have also fought for proper market surveillance independent from car manufacturers.

"We have strengthened the European Commission’s original proposal. According to the deal, the European Commission will be responsible for over-seeing the market surveillance on cars. They will have to check that national authorities are fulfilling their responsibilities. The Commission will be able to carry out tests and inspections according to a clear methodology and will have to ensure proper funding to finance its new tasks."

S&D Group spokesperson for the internal market Nicola Danti added:

"The text approved today represents a decisive step forward in preventing a new scandal from happening in EU car manufacturing and provides better protection for consumers.

"We agreed on a clearer and more stringent set of rules which finally puts an end to the economic conflict of interests between car manufacturers, type approval authorities and technical services.

"As Socialists and Democrats, we cannot accept a new Dieselgate and we will continue fighting to address the failures of the current approval and surveillance system in the interest of our citizens."

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