Tuesday 03
Presentation of the programme of activities of the Austrian Presidency
Udo Bullmann
Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75342
S&D press officer: Angelika Pentsi +32 473 93 00 60
“The Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, will have to prove that he is not only claiming to be pro-European but that he actually is, and that he does not allow his right-wing coalition partner to block crucial decisions and undermine our unity. Austria is taking over the Presidency of the European Council at a very delicate point in time. With the reform of our Common European Asylum System, the Brexit negotiations and the discussion of the European Multiannual Financial Framework, we have, among other things, major issues on the table. At the same time, we are facing complex international challenges as US President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from core treaties, thus considerably weakening the transatlantic relationship. In this situation and one year before the next European elections, it is of utmost importance that Europe stays strong and united and that the Council takes decisions that better the lives of people in the European Union. To this end, one priority of the Austrian Presidency will have to be strengthening the social dimension of the European Union. Kurz and his government will have to live up to that.”
Wednesday 04
Conclusion of the third economic adjustment programme for Greece
Pervenche Berès
Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75777
S&D press officer: Eva Sali +32 495 56 24 31
“Last week’s agreement on Greece marked a turning point for the country and its citizens. After eight years of adjustment programmes, Greek citizens can now turn the page of austerity and rebuild their economy, tackle unemployment and foster sustainable investment and growth. It is of utmost importance that we ensure that all their efforts and sacrifices were not made in vain, and avoid a repeat of similar cases. We must take advantage of the momentum to discuss European solutions, the long-lasting function of the EMU and the overall sustainability of the Eurozone. We cannot accept that we only progress on these issues when pressured by the markets. Greece has done its part, now its creditors have to honour their commitments. For us Socialists and Democrats, it is vital that the implementation of the Eurogroup agreement, and especially when the Enhanced Surveillance procedure starts, is accompanied by strong accountability.”
Wednesday 04
2019 budget - Trilogue mandate
Daniele Viotti
Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75652
S&D press officer: Jan Bernas +32 471 64 87 77
“On Wednesday the S&D group will deliver a European budget for jobs growth and green development. The vote on the 2019 budget is an important one, as it will enable the European Parliament to negotiate with the European Council with a strong position. Now it is time for the Council to make a proposal and we hope that will be as ambitious as ours. We Socialists and Democrats are asking for a strong reinforcement of the Youth Employment Initiative and for new money for Erasmus and other flagship programs, such as the Connecting Europe Facility and Horizon 2020.”
Wednesday 04
Reform of the electoral law of the EU
Jo Leinen
Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75842
S&D press officer: Tim Allan + 32 475 63 56 73
“The reform of the European electoral law is a necessary and much awaited step forward for European citizens. After almost three years of intensive negotiations, the European Council finally reached a unanimous agreement on this crucial issue. While the decision of the Council does not have the same level of ambition as Parliament's proposal, it is a door opener for a gradual and comprehensive reform of European elections. The new rules will increase awareness of the link between the national parties and candidates running in the elections and their affiliation with a European political party, render European elections more accessible and increase participation. The European Parliament can now show that European democracy can be improved step by step.”
Wednesday 04
US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act on EU citizens (FATCA)
Virginie Rozière
Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75408
S&D press officer: Tim Allan + 32 475 63 56 73
“On Wednesday 4th of July, while the US administration will celebrate Independence Day, the European Parliament will vote on a resolution in response to a petition pushed from a collective of European citizens concerning the US Foreign Tax Compliance Act, also known as FATCA. Thousands of European citizens are suffering from this unfair agreement between the US fiscal administration and our member states. They face many problems with banks and financial institutions due to their accidental US citizenship and see their personal data transferred illegally to the US fiscal administration. We Socialists and Democrats cannot accept any form of discrimination against European citizens. We thus call on the European Commission and the Council to take all necessary action to stop this situation and annul the current agreements between the US and several member states allowing the transfer of personal data of European citizens.”
Monday 02
Climate Diplomacy
Arne Lietz
+33(0)3 88 1 75296
Jo Leinen
+33(0)3 88 1 75842
S&D press officer: Inga Inga Czerny-Grimm + 32 474 62 28 84
S&D press officer: Victoria Martín De La Torre + 32 473 23 41 73
“In the July Plenary Session, the European Parliament will vote on a position on future EU climate diplomacy. With view to the upcoming climate summit in Katowice and the changed international situation regarding climate action, after US President Trump announced to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, it is of utmost importance that the EU, and in particular the European Parliament, takes a strong stance towards global climate action. The S&D has especially pushed for a clear commitment to the goals of the Paris Agreement, for strengthening the EEAS regarding financial means as well as personnel. This will allow to increase the climate diplomatic capacity of the EU, push for climate action to be on the agenda of international fora, acknowledge and draw conclusions from the fact that climate change, conflict, security and human mobility are interlinked, as well as to make the item a permanent component on the foreign affairs agenda of the European Parliament. Climate diplomacy should become an integral part of EU foreign policy – the upcoming report will be a first step to integrate the European Parliament into this policy field more strongly.”
Wednesday 04
EU-US Privacy Shield
Claude Moraes
Tel:+33(0)388 1 75553
S&D press officer: Tim Allan + 32 475 63 56 73
“While progress has been made to improve the Safe Harbour agreement, the Privacy Shield in its current form does not provide the adequate level of protection required by EU data protection law and the EU Charter. This resolution makes clear that it is up to the US authorities to effectively follow the terms of the agreement and for the European Commission to take measures to ensure that it will fully comply with EU data protection law.”