Progressive Economy Conference 4 March 2015: Reconciling Economic Growth & Social Progress: A Challenge?

The first part of the conference will be devoted to a presentation of the independent Annual Growth Survey 2015.

This report proposes an independent response to the Commission's Annual Growth Survey, presenting constructive policy proposals. The authors - Xavier Timbeau (OFCE), Andrew Watt (IMK) and Lars Andersen (ECLM) - will then answer questions from the audience. This session will be opened by Elisa Ferreira, S&D Group Coordinator in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, and Jutta Steinruck, S&D Group Coordinator in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.

The presentation will be followed by a high-level debate on how the EU agenda can reconcile economic growth and social progress. The main speakers are Commissioner Moscovici, Nicolas Schmit, Luxembourg Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Economy,  Maria João Rodrigues, Vice-President of the S&D Group, Peter Bofinger, Member of the German Council of Economic Experts, Raymond Torres, Director of the ILO Research Department, Conny Reuter, Solidar Secretary General, and Luca Visentini, ETUC Confederal Secretary.

The debate will be moderated by Giovanna Pancheri, Europe Correspondent for Sky TV Italia.

Professor Frank Vandenbroucke will sum up the conclusions of the conference.

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The full program and iAGS 2015 report are attached below