S&D event on EU Retail Investment Strategy: Making Financial Markets work for Consumers

EU Retail Investment Strategy

The aim of the S&D event is to discuss the upcoming Retail Investment Strategy that is expected to be published by the European Commission in May 2023. The Retail Investment Strategy will assess how the current legislative framework and investor protection rules are working for consumers in the EU, with the aim of ensuring that more retail investors can invest into capital markets with sufficient confidence and trust.

The purpose of the event is to discuss whether further reforms are needed in order to ensure that consumers have access to bias-free and trustworthy financial advice in the European Union. In particular, invited panellists will debate whether changes to the EU legislative framework are needed in the area of inducements and conflicts of interests to ensure that financial advice is always delivered in the best interest of consumers.

EU Retail Investment Strategy: Making Financial Markets Work for Consumers

When: Thursday 13 April, from 11:30 to 13:00

Where: SPINELLI 3G3, European Parliament, Brussels


11:30 - 11:35: Welcome by MEP Jonás Fernández , S&D ECON Coordinator

11:35 - 11:45: Opening remarks by MEP Eero Heinäluoma

11:45 - 12:45: Panel debate


  • Karel Lannoo, Chief Executive, Centre for European Policy Studies


  • Marcel Haag, Director for Horizontal Policies, DG FISMA, European Commission
  • Hanzo van Beusekom, Member of Executive Board, Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets
  • Monique Goyens, Director General, BEUC Industry representative
  • Nina Schindler, Chief Executive Officer, European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB)

12:45 - 12:55: Q&A

12:55 - 13:00: Closing remarks

Live streaming: https://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/

Registration is closed

Eurodeputati coinvolti
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Coordinatore, Membro
Contatto/i stampa S&D