S&D workshop: Progressive policies to end the energy crisis. Mapping the root causes and effects of the crisis, and exploring immediate, medium- and long-term solutions
With Dr Jörg Kukies, State Secretary at the Federal Chancellery
Please note that this event is only open to registered participants at the PES Congress 2022, an event pass will be required to enter the Willy-Brandt-Haus. If you intend to take part in the PES Congress, please make sure that you register first on: PES Congress: https://form.typeform.com/to/B5XzxC0L
Programme (a detailed programme is attached below)
09:30- 09:35: Welcome speech by Iratxe García Pérez, S&D President
09:35-10:10: Keynote address and follow up questions
Dr Jörg Kukies, State Secretary at the Federal Chancellery
10:15- 10:40: Which EU answer to the crisis? From ‘whatever it takes’ Covid economics to tackling the consequences of war and climate change
10:45-11:05: Protecting citizens: a strong social Europe to end the “cost of living” crisis
11:05-11:25: How “progressive” and far reaching are the progressive policies to end the energy crisis- your main take away from this event?
11:25-11:30: Concluding remarks: Pedro Marques and Mohammed Chahim , S&D vice-presidents