A new week in Strasbourg for the European Parliament, a new week of political fights and great victories for all of us! Starting from Catalonia, where we made our voice...
Today the S&D Group won an important battle for European citizens’ health, despite opposition from conservative MEPs in the European Parliament and strong lobbying from...
Oggi, in vista del prossimo summit Onu sul clima, il Parlamento europeo ha adottato una risoluzione in cui si chiede la piena attuazione dell’accordo raggiunto a Parigi...
Oggi, il gruppo S&D ha vinto una importante battaglia per la salute dei cittadini europei, nonostante l’opposizione dei deputati conservatori al Parlamento europeo e le...
We would like to cordially invite you to the S&D Group Seminar: Social Dialogue on a future EU Industrial Policy – the example of the Energy Sector Supply Industry –...
S&D conference: Different quality of products in the Single Market. Please register here by Thursday 21 September at 12h00. For more information, please email: S-d.imco...
The European Union has changed the landscape of Valencia as many other parts of our continent, by promoting growth, creating more jobs, protecting the environment and...
After the summer break, we were straight back in at the deep end in Strasbourg! The State of the European Union address by Juncker was a key moment, but it wasn't all of...
Si terrà questo venerdi’ a Valencia (Spagna) la nuova tappa di Europa Insieme, il tour di dibattiti promosso dal gruppo S&D al Parlamento europeo insieme al gruppo del...
The Socialists and Democrats want to close the never-ending story of Dieselgate – successfully and with greater vigilance. At the plenary debate held today in the...