S&D Conference: The Pillar of Social Rights - Shaping the Social Heart of Europe. Please register by Monday 17 October 2016 at 12h00 here . The programme is attached...
With a sold-out kick-off event in the European Parliament yesterday, the progressive family in Europe launched a fundamental reflection process on the future of the EU...
TOGETHER - A new direction for a progressive Europe - Stand up for our future! Europe is at a crossroads. Populist and anti-EU parties are on the rise across Europe. For...
Dopo diversi anni di dolorosa crisi, la ripresa nell’Ue è ancora in corso. La crescita resta debole. La disoccupazione è ancora a livelli alti, con oltre 21 milioni di...
Progressive Alliance Parliamentarian Conference: For a New Agenda for Peace and Justice. We are very pleased to invite you to the Progressive Alliance Parliamentary...
Il 19 ottobre 2016, i progressisti europei, su iniziativa del gruppo S&D, lanceranno un progetto della durata di 18 mesi e mirato a trovare risposte ai problemi che l’Ue...
Oggi, gli eurodeputati S&D si sono uniti all’appello mondiale per un’occupazione decente e migliori condizioni di lavoro, criticando la tendenza verso gli impieghi...
Led by MEPs from the Socialists and Democrats Group, the European Parliament this week called for a strategy to reindustrialise Europe following the brutal announcements...
Following the vote by the European Parliament on the resolution on the need for a European reindustrialisation policy in light of the recent Caterpillar and Alstom cases...
S&D Euro MPs welcomed the Commission's progress report today on the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in the last three years. Finding a job remains a difficult...