Brussels, 4th March 2015. In order to raise awareness on gender inequality, S&D MEPs gathered to play a board game created by the European Women's Lobby and highlighting...
Audio recording of the joint conference: All of us mobilizing for abortion rights (ORIGINAL) [[{"fid":"130610","view_mode":"default","type":"media","attributes":{"height"...
Audio recording of the joint conference: All of us! Mobilizing for abortion rights (ENGLISH) [[{"fid":"130610","view_mode":"default","type":"media","attributes":{"height"...
PROPOSTA di schemi in 3 step Revisione della Direttiva sul congedo di maternità compromesso da negoziare 18 settimane di congedo legale come seguono: - 6 settimane...
Gli eurodeputati S&D, in un dibattito in programma oggi a Strasburgo, faranno appello all’Ue affinché garantisca efficace protezione alle richiedenti asilo che rischiano...
To mark International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation to be celebrated on 6th February, Socialist & Democrat MEPs stand together to raise awareness of...
Joint Conference: All of us! Mobilizing for abortion rights. Please register before Monday 02 February 2015, 12:00 10.00 Welcome and opening: Iraxte Garcia Perez (PSOE/S...
Oggi al Parlamento Ue, il socialista belga Marc Tarabella ha ottenuto la maggioranza dei voti in commissione Diritti delle donne e uguaglianza di genere sulle proposte...
As the European Commission has proposed a revision of an EU directive on shareholders' rights, the European Socialists and Democrats today in Brussels called for a bolder...
As the European Commission has proposed a revision of an EU directive on shareholders' rights, the European Socialists and Democrats today in Brussels called for a bolder...