Reset! Towards digital, climate and regional justice. “Try turning it off and back on again” – How many times have we recommended this to fix our computers? With the...
Lo scandalo Dieselgate del 2015 ha scoperchiato il vaso di Pandora delle frodi sulle emissioni auto. Finalmente, grazie all’impegno e alla tenacia del Gruppo S&D, la...
In seguito al voto in sessione plenaria di oggi, il Gruppo S&D esprime la propria profonda soddisfazione per aver portato avanti l’idea di un’Unione sanitaria europea, un...
Oggi, nell’ambito di due importanti votazioni in sessione plenaria, i Socialisti e Democratici si sono resi protagonisti dell’allineamento della politica energetica Ue ai...
Following the vote in the plenary on 10 July 2020, the S&D Group expresses its deep satisfaction for pushing forward the concept of a European Health Union which includes...
I Socialisti e democratici al Parlamento europeo oggi hanno avanzato la proposta per una robusta strategia per una rivitalizzazione e un rilancio dell’industria Ue. La...
The COVID-19 pandemic breakout caused both a health and socio-economic crisis that caught the world and its leaders by surprise. As part of national responses, Member...
The COVID-19 pandemic breakout caused both a health and socio-economic crisis that caught the world and its leaders by surprise. As part of national responses, Member...
The Covid-19 crisis has underlined the fallacies of our system and the vulnerabilities of our industry and the need to rebuild sustainably by using the European Green...
The COVID19 crisis has underlined the fallacies of our system and the vulnerabilities of our industry and the need to rebuild sustainably by using the European Green Deal...